Maico Gulf AMCA Accredited Laboratory

Maico Gulf AMCA Accredited Laboratory, Maico Gulf : Industrial Fans , Blowers , Ecology Units , Smokevents , Tunnel Fans , Jets fans

MG AMCA Accredited Lab:

The Maico Gulf Air Handling and Exhaust Units Laboratory is the first of its kind in the Middle East and one of the few in Asia that has been accredited by AMCA USA to test fans in accordance with AMCA International test standards. The state of art lab facilities provides means to conduct air and sound performance testing in accordance with AMCA standard 210 for air performance and standard 300 for reverberant room method for sound testing. The lab provides a wide range of services to our customers like Factory acceptance test for both air and sound with and without witness, lab visit, etc. The lab also provides the opportunity for rigorous and ongoing R&D testing designed to continually enhance and improve all our product lines.

AMCA Accredited laboratory ‘Airflow Test: Lab air test gives air performance (flow and static pressure) and power curves with respect to fan flow conditions. The lab is capable of testing airflows ranging from 64 CMH to 144000 CMH. The lab is fully equipped to test both Axial and Centrifugal fans as well other air moving devices at variable speeds and different frequency 50Hz and 60Hz.

*Sound Test: Specially designed reverberant room of lab is capable of measuring precise fan sound pressure levels in different frequency bands in Full Octave bands starting from 63 Hz to 10000 Hz

AMCA Certification ANSI AMCA Certification ANSI AMCA Certification ELACI Certificate
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+971 72 589 000
+971 72 589 001